Whether you want to help those in need, sell the things you don’t want, or just simply give away old things that you no longer need, decluttering is the way to keep your room and home a fresh new look! All of us have things that we cherished because they have a sentimental value for some of us, but between “the more, the merrier” and “less is more,” it’s not only practical for you to declutter your home so that you can buy things that are in the season, but it’s also sustainable for the environment as there are many benefits of having a clutter free space.
If you’ve been a fan of Marie Kondo, you’ll find out that there are things that you no longer find joy or beneficial for your mental health and for you to have more storage spaces around your place. Ever since her show came out, everyone is into minimalism when it comes to things in order for them to have available space, even if it’s in a small place.
Don’t worry if you feel too overwhelmed in decluttering as here are some decluttering tips that we have in mind to help you get started (and satisfied) with your decluttering business!
When You Should Start Decluttering Your Room

There’s no specific time for you to declutter your home — in fact, you can declutter anytime! Some people declutter their homes once a year (after the year ends or during spring cleaning) while others do that either on a weekly basis or as a part of their daily routine. Nonetheless, people declutter whenever they have the time clear out everything that takes up space and needs to be removed on a semi regular basis. After all, if we save the environment from its toxins, we should also have a clutter free house from its clutter.
Here are some tips on how to declutter your room (or your house) to get you started for a good night’s sleep, some more fresh air that will flow around your place, and for you to be mentally healthy!
How to Declutter Your Room?
Create a Decluttering Checklist
Just like how people list for groceries (or for things that they need to buy at conventions for some), having a decluttering checklist helps you jumpstart decluttering your messy room and to know what things you need to donate and throw away so that you don’t throw away something precious by mistake.
Set the Mood With A ‘Decluttering Playlist’
Music should be your best friend when you’re doing something, and decluttering shouldn’t be an exception. Find some songs that are either upbeat and loud or a bit mellow with enough beats so that you’ll be motivated in decluttering. If music isn’t your thing, you may also fire up a podcast or an audiobook for you to get going.
Take Before and After Photos
Progress matters, and what’s progress without pictures? You need to take photos of your messy room and cluttered house as your ‘before pictures’ and you also need to take some pictures of your tidy space, clean room, and a fresh house as your ‘after’ pictures so that you may take a look as to how much progress you have made from decluttering.
Create a Sorting System
Whether you use the Three Box Method and make three piles of everything or the Four Box Method, it’s important for you to have storage boxes and storage bags for you to label what to keep, donate, get rid off, and relocate and for you to store items into each of these boxes and bags for more storage space.
Ask for a Helping Hand
We don’t mean a professional organizer; we mean to call your friends (or your family) over to make decluttering more fun! This is a fun decluttering tip especially when you’re having a hard time what to keep, give away, throw away, and relocate because of the many things you’ve had over the past year and two heads — or many — are better than one to have less stress! So turn up the music and boxes (or bags) and let the fun begin!
Donate and/or Recycle

Donating and recycling are two of the most common decluttering tips a lot of people do because these two words pop into people’s minds first when it comes to decluttering.
You may donate out of season clothes as well as toys, books, shoes, and other paraphernalia that you don’t need to typhoon victims, refugees, local organizations, or other people who need them to have more space and to make your bedroom clean as well as your entire house.
Aside from donating things you don’t need, you may also use dirty clothes and old bed sheets in wiping flat surfaces and in covering furniture that you won’t be needing for a while. You just need to be creative on how to make use of these old clothes. You may also put other items in the recycling bin such as paper, plastic, bottles, old magazines, old remote controls, and many others that you find in your kitchen cabinets, kitchen countertops, drawer dividers, top drawers, laundry room, bedroom, and in other rooms in your entire house to have the best storage for new things (and for you to have plus points when you drop them off to your nearest environment center)!
Take the 12-12-12 Challenge
The 12 – 12 – 12 Challenge states that you should keep 12 things, throw away 12 things, and give away 12 things from your house so that you can not only have more space, but also to have more fresh air to flow freely in a tidy space.
Use the Four-Box Method
Like what we’ve told you, this is one of the two sorting methods some people use to declutter their things for their mental health. Get some boxes (and bags) and label them for you to know what to donate, keep, relocate, and get rid off especially when you have bulky items or broken items around your place to avoid clutter.
A Decluttered Home Keeps the Stress Away
Throwing items away and decluttering your place has many benefits for your mental health, creating a conducive environment to improve your sleep quality, less stress, and new things to fill. Having a decluttered home is like having a tidy mind because you would know what to do when your mind is clear especially when you have a conducive work space for you to get things done and a clean bedroom for you to relax, rest, and have a good night’s sleep. But keep in mind that you donate clothes and throw only what you can to keep the things that have a sentimental value to you, to make way for new things, and for you to have a free flowing and conducive environment in your place while everything’s stored neatly.
So grab a box (or a bag) and start with one room at a time, and you’ll have a clutter free haven in no time with these decluttering tips!