It’s that time of the year again when we’re commemorating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. And it’s also that time when everyone prepares for the traditional (and eggs – citing) Easter egg hunt from making some colorful Easter eggs (and hiding delicious and delightful surprises in them) and putting them all over the place to letting the kids hunt all the eggs with their Easter baskets and discovering all of the surprises you’ve put in those Easter eggs for everyone to enjoy!
Aside from that, you also decorate your Easter egg scavenger hunt with some chicks, bunnies, marshmallows, chocolates, bunny tracks, and everything sweet and nice (and dress up as the Easter Bunny) all in one special day, which is Easter Sunday!
But it gets to a point where it’s a notion that even adults and teenagers get to have their own Easter egg hunt and they only make it for kids (especially for younger ones), and it’s a routine where younger kids have all the fun while the grown ups sit back and wonder if there’s more to Easter than just the usual.
Well, fret no more! We have a bunch of Easter egg hunt ideas (with a couple of fun twists) for everyone to join in the fun for every age group and to have an Easter celebration like no other! So grab an Easter basket and let the scavenger hunt begin!
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt

The most basic egg hunt of all to get your kids collect all of the hidden eggs around the place, and all you need is to have an egg hunt checklist (look for a free printable or make a checklist of your own) of different kinds of Easter eggs that you need to find in your own place with different candy prizes to have a fun Easter.
However, there are other versions of this with fun twists for this traditional hunt for the entire family and age group to have fun!
Easter Egg Treasure Hunt
We have the Easter Egg Treasure Hunt where you have to write clues and tasks and hide them in plastic eggs (and put them all over the house) for kids to follow in order for them to find a bigger prize such as a big box of Easter goodies!
Puzzle Piece Egg Hunt

You can get an easy puzzle for kids to solve (or you can buy a blank puzzle set so that you can make your own puzzle) and hide one or two puzzle pieces inside each plastic egg and scatter them all over your place so that you and your kids can complete the puzzle the fun way!
Easter Bunny Trail
All you have to do is to follow the bunny tracks to find some colorful eggs on your checklist, and who knows? Maybe you’ll find yourselves for an Easter surprise at the end of the hunt!
Lego Easter Egg Hunt
If your kids are Lego fans, hide Lego pieces into eggs instead of candy so that it’ll be more fun and challenging, especially for older kids!
Golden Ticket Easter Egg Hunt
Looks like the Easter Bunny has turned into Willy Wonka with this fun game! All you have to is hide a bunch of golden tickets into some of the plastic eggs (not all, okay?) and put all of them around the house (or in your backyard) for little kids to find! It’s also good to add some gold stickers such as a star so that these little kids would know that they’ve seen a ‘golden egg.’ A word of advice ā make sure you shouldn’t only have one golden ticket for one egg because it’ll ruin the fun!
Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt
If you’re the type of person who reserves his/her energy during the day, you can organize an Easter egg hunt at night with glow in the dark Easter eggs! Perfect for adults and older kids suck as preteens and teenagers, this Easter egg hunt idea will make you wish that Easter happens at night!
All you need are a bunch of medium or large size plastic eggs, some rolls of tape, a bunch of glow sticks, a handful of candy and other prizes, and a creative mind to hide eggs all over the place, and you’re good to go! Now all you need is that Easter spirit after the sun is down and x – ray vision for you to spot those plastic eggs filled with surprises that will definitely make a night to remember with your friends!
Easter Egg Counting Hunt
If you want to a creative Easter egg hunt idea for your kids to learn their basic counting skills, you should find some kid – friendly Math printables on the internet (or create your own) for them to know how many eggs your kids should fill up in their Easter baskets and a bunch of plastic eggs for you to hide around the place! This Easter egg hunt idea will not only spice up your traditional Easter egg hunt by simply collecting eggs, but this is also a creative idea for younger kids to learn basic counting skills! Who knew that there’s fun in counting?
Easter Egg Egg Relay
This is your traditional relay race with a fun twist ā with Easter eggs! Split the kids into two teams, and make the first kid find the first egg when you say go. Keep the relay going until one team of kids fill up their Easter basket with a specified number of eggs (ie. 20, 30, and so on) as a team. This game is for older and younger kids, so the fun shouldn’t stop from there!
Making Easter Fun For Everyone
Not only that you’ll get your kids entertained with all of the colorful Easter eggs and backyard creatures decorated all over the place, it’s important that most eggs are in excellent condition before actually hiding them and to have a party plan so that everyone wins with surprises such as little notes indicating rewards for the kids (and adults) and to have a candy overload with everyone to enjoy!
You can come up with your own fun activities for your Easter egg hunt so that everyone can join in the fun! All you need to do is to buy eggs (plastic and real), grab some art supplies, head over to some studio DIY websites, go according to your party plan, and let the egg hunting begin!